Cute Cooper rocks a bow tie – Triangle dog photographer

Sep 9, 2015

When Allison first emailed me she told me “the reason I love dogs today is because of my best friend’s dog, Sugar, the sweetest dog in the world who also happens to be a pit bull.”  Yep. We clicked instantly.  She wanted to surprise her hubby with a gift certificate for a session since they were not able to include their sweet boy Cooper in their wedding photos.  We had a blast together!

Cooper is an eight-year-old chow/shepherd mix.  He had two bow ties that perfectly matched Allison and Chris’s pink and navy outfits!  Definitely great inspiration for couples planning what to wear for you InBetween the Blinks session!

Allison says, “I got Cooper when he was about 5 months old at the Charlotte/Mecklenburg Animal Control Shelter.  After visiting, I wanted to take them all home, but Cooper was a little shy guy with big brown eyes that I knew would be mine. I wanted to be responsible and sleep on it and got to the shelter 30 minutes before they opened the next day to see him again. Little did I know that the couple that arrived after me had their sights sets on him too.  I overheard them talking about him. An hour later, he was in the car riding home with me!”

Allison may or may not have cried when I showed her my pet album after our session.  She also may or may not have gotten weepy again when she saw her photo gallery! I love this sweet family!

I think my favorite photo is of Allison and Chris on the bench and Cooper is jumping to get something out of frame.  He didn’t run far, but the expression on his face is so focused like he is on an extreme hunt.  Enjoy!