There is really only one word fit for these two dogs, SEXY!!!! I immediately fell head over heels for Blake and Ruby. I could pat those strong doggie bums all day! I mean look at those legs and muscles! Ruby the boxer joined the family as a puppy nearly 11 years ago! Blake was adopted in 2009. Mom April says, “He put his paws up on Scott’s shoulders and started licking his face and ears—to which Scott said ‘he’s the one’. He’s been nothing but trouble ever since. “April, Scott and Jerod are a great laid back crew that were very easy to work with. It was mostly just hanging out, doting on the dogs and oh yea, let’s take some photos!
No doubt Scott and Ruby are quite the pair. I thought at some points, we all might need to just give them some space as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes speaking a special language that some dogs and their owners “just have.” Scott is wrapped around Ruby’s little paw no doubt and it was adorable! I just love this family and their super big hearts for loving these two dogs and supporting local rescues and promoting good animal welfare.