Sweet sweet Marbles. This gorgeous girl passed away January 19th. Mom Amy emailed me the sad news about Marbles recent diagnosis of cancer about two weeks prior. The vet didn’t know how long they would have, but it wouldn’t be long. We immediately set up our session and had the perfect weather for mid-January.
Amy and Shawn warned me that Marbles had been pretty lethargic the last few weeks. But boy did she enjoy a wonderful final gleeful romp during our session. It always amazes me how my sweet senior pups always gear up for a big last hurrah during their sessions and break out in a mad dash of zoomies. One, I think they like to show off for the camera. Two, I believe they know this is their chance to have mom and dad remember them in their true spirit. Marbles was no different.
Her full name: The Lady of the Marble Mountain!
Marbles was six and a half years old. Mom Amy describes her sweet girl as “the sweetest dog on the planet. Prior to her diagnosis she had mounds of endless energy, wiggles & licks to greet all humans. A friend of mine described her as pure awesomeness. She loves ices cubes, butt scratches, playing with her red bouncy bone in the house, a pink ball in the backyard, long walks on the Greenway and apples. She is loyal, happy and brave….and sometimes a bit stubborn too. She is our only child and our heart.”
“Shawn picked Marbles out of the litter when she was three weeks old. It was love at first sight; the only one with a white mask. She is our only child and our heart.”
It’s hard to believe Marbles passed away one week after our session. She was so vibrant, energetic and happy that day. She knew. Our time together was complete joy and celebration. It was her way of saying “thanks mom and dad for the best life ever. See how happy you’ve made me? I’m gonna miss you lots, but don’t be too sad. Remember our happy times.” Amy and Shawn have a canvas of this photo below hanging in their new home. They have Marbles still with them watching over them. And how can you not smile each time you see this big goofy face? I love you sweet girl!