Joey turns one – Raleigh cake smash

Jul 27, 2015

Warning: the cuteness you are about to see may just be too much to handle. Not only do we have an adorable baby boy celebrating his first birthday, but we also have a pint-sized little puppy that is every bit of perfection!

I love the Flynn family!  Sadly, they lost their sweet girl Sandy Pants not long after our fall family photo session.  We are all so thankful we were able to capture them all together with sweet Joey.

Joey now has a new fur sibling named….wait for it…WAFFLES!  This adorable Golden Retriever puppy is giving little J a run for his money in the cute department.  Put them together and I don’t know how mom and dad can manage to say “no” to anything they would ask for!  Joey wasn’t really sure about this thing called “cake” but Waffles was ready to jump right in!

I’m excited to see these two grow up together! Happy first birthday Joey!  Welcome to the family Waffles!

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