Diary of a Foster Failure: Lily the pit bull celebrates her first birthday

Mar 18, 2013

My baby girl Lily is now a year old!  I found her sleeping on a bench in downtown Raleigh last July 18th (2012). We knew she had to be right around three months so March 18th is her designated birthday!  We made sure to celebrate in style with a custom cake from Gourmutt’s Bakery.  The have at least three different size cakes and I chose the 6-inch round cake!  I already picked out Lily’s party collar and found a matching headband and matched the balloons.

I was worried the photos wouldn’t turn out because it was such a gloomy dark day, but I found a way to open up all the windows and even booby-trap the open front door to let in all the light and make sure Lily didn’t escape!

She’s a good sport at photos and certainly knows how to pose, but she did not appreciate having to wait as long as she did to dive into her cake!

Are you interested in a SMASH THE CAKE mini-session for your pup??? Email me!