I must say that Dexter is one of my all time favorite dogs that have stepped in front of my camera! He is so cute and has the perfect expression that he almost doesn’t seem real! Dexter is 11 years old and the VERY proud doggie of the 2013 SPCA of Wake County’s volunteer of the year Becky Lembo! Becky is a super amazing volunteer. She spends a lot of time loving on the bunnies, spending individual training time with dogs and prints out the photos I take to make posters for the dogs and show off their cuteness on their bedroom windows. And if you see the pups sporting some pretty sweet bandanas…most likely she made them! Becky’s prize for winning “Volunteer of the Year” was a photo shoot with InBetween the Blinks!
We met in late September for our photoshoot and had some pretty nice skies when all of a sudden it turned cloudy. But the lighting was still gorgeous! I think the top right photo below looks like they are modeling for a pet store. And it sums up this sweet little family! Dexter just turned 11 years old! He is nearly blind and doesn’t care for other dogs, children or really any other humans other than his own. My favorite thing about photographing pets is snuggling with them and loving on them. I wasn’t allowed to do that with Mr. Dexter, but I was able to work my charm and he very politely took some treats from my fingers.
Becky says “Dexter was a gift, and he began living with us at two months old, though we met him when he was born. Although we did not pick him, it was fate that he ended up being part of our family. As a stereotypical Jack Russell Terrier, Dexter is highly energetic, curious, expressive, and, at times, demanding, but love him like he is our child and spoil him accordingly!
We cannot imagine life without him and the constant joy that he brings to us.”
This last photo is one of my favorites from all that I’ve ever taken. It’s also the main image of my new gift certificates. When Dexter found out that I was “pimpin'” out his photo mom said he requested steak dinner that night.
Oh Dexter!