Jake and Jennifer have such a beautiful bond. What’s even more special, is that Jennifer’s husband Garrett equally loves Jake just as much and understands what this gorgeous boxer means to his beautiful wife.
Garrett describes Jake as “a lover and always happy. He follows Jennifer around wherever she goes in the house, and is all ‘wiggles’ when she gets home. Wagging his tail isn’t enough to express his happiness, so he wiggles virtually his entire body.”
Garrett entered the picture about three years after Jake and was easily embraced as a part of the family. Together, they enjoy exploring life together as a family of three. I really loved watching them together. Their love for Jake is expressed in the normal way: kisses, scratches behind the ears and genuine doggie talk about how cute and sweet he is. But it’s the way they all look at each other that melted my heart. It’s usually the silent communication that speaks the loudest and I saw that loud “I LOVE YOU” each time their eyes met during our session. I also loved watching Garrett watch Jen. He “gets” her. And he respects the bond she and Jake share.
Jake the Great is seven years old. Jennifer found him as a puppy and says she knew he was the one “because he came over to sit in my lap. All the other puppies were running around and playing, but Jake sought me out.” Garrett add, “Even though Jennifer didn’t have a place where she was allowed to have pets, and even though she had to drive about 4 hours each way to get him, she knew it was meant to be. Since then Jake has been with her through thick and then and never left her side.”
And now you can wipe your eyes…
Jake has the poochiest lips I’ve ever seen on a dog! I asked if he had injections, but wouldn’t tell. 😉