End-of-Life Pet Photography in North Carolina

In the daily grind of life and work, we often think we have plenty of time to do this or do that or “finally get some really great family photos with the dogs… “

Until we don’t.

No matter if your pup is turning ten and slowing down or you just got “the news” of a terminal illness, it’s not too late to celebrate your love story through end-of-life pet photography.

Senior black fluffy dog with owners during an end-of-life pet photography

We know our pets can’t live forever. It doesn’t make saying “goodbye” any easier. 

Tara Lynn & Co.’s end-of-life pet photography sessions in North Carolina provide pet parents the chance to freeze time by capturing the love they share with their dogs and creating cherished keepsakes long after our pets are no longer by our side.

It’s important for pet owners considering end-of-life pet photography to work with a photographer who understands the emotional nature of the process and can provide a supportive, compassionate, and empathetic experience.

As a pet photographer in North Carolina since 2011, I have walked this journey of pet loss many times alongside my clients. 

I’ve walked this journey of grief with my own family after saying goodbye to our favorite boy Baxter July 9, 2023 (Left: photo of his celebration of life).

It is my honor and privilege to create images that will bring smiles to your family as you remember the best times of your life with your best friend by your side.

Don’t hesitate to contact me today to learn more about scheduling your special memorial photo session.

Tara turned a 5-year-old beagle named Bones who was dying of cancer into a beagle who looked full of life and would melt your heart. The pictures she took looked past his sickness, showing his inner spark, his precious smile…images of the angel I will always remember. 

Two weeks and two days after learning he was sick my sweet boy was gone.  It was Tara’s pictures that comforted me in the days that followed. For that, I will be forever grateful.

Lori G.

When is the right time to schedule and end-of-lfie session?

As soon as possible. I always prioritize end-of-life sessions on my calendar. Depending on your pet’s diagnosis, we will try to schedule within a few days.

If your pet is simply getting older and has not been diagnosed with an illness, we have a bit more flexibility. 

What if my dog has limited mobility?

No problem. We can still get a variety of images with your dog in one spot. Your pet’s comfort is key. I will create a space for you to love on your pet and let him/her shine.

We can also use a wagon or dog stroller to safely bring your pup from the car to our chosen location.

Man carries his three-legged boxer during an end-of-life pet photographer session in Raleigh, NC.

Won’t it be really sad?

Time and time again, my clients say that they expected to be very emotional during our session, but were so thankful that the session itself became another beautiful memory. During our session, my priority is to keep your pet comfortable and safe while you snuggle and soak up all the love. There may be tears. If there are, that’s okay. Just promise you’ll pass me a tissue too.

Couple poses with three-legged boxer during a pet photography session with Tara Lynn

Where is the best place to have an end-of-life pet photographer session in the Raleigh area?

At-home pet photography sessions can be really beautiful and natural, capturing your family enjoying all the daily activities you normally do together. These sessions lend themselves to my mix of documentary-style photography as well as portrait photography. I also love creating photo albums for clients to enjoy these stories over and over again. At-home pet photo sessions are great for dogs who don’t like car rides or have anxiety traveling.

A local park: We are so lucky to have so many parks in the Triangle area that provide a beautiful backdrop for pet and family photo sessions. You can enjoy a nice family walk and snuggles in the grass that still feels intimate. These sessions are a great way to create images for wall art or framed photos around the house (making it feel like your best friend is still there).

During the shoot, there were ample opportunities to laugh and celebrate, which is what stands out to me now when I see the pictures. You captured some truly great flashes of Bhoebe’s personality that I cannot help but crack up about now. 

See Bhoebe’s photo session here.

Anna P.

Beautiful souls I've captured

Contact me today to learn more about scheduling your pet memorial photo session. You can also call me at 757.406.2752.

What makes an end-of-life pet photography session unique?

As your pet nears his or her time to cross the rainbow bridge, they may walk a bit slower, have special dietary concerns, less mobility, or more anxiety. These sessions are designed with your pet’s utmost comfort and safety in mind. We go at a slower pace and take time to incorporate favorite momentos, capture paw prints, and capture the little details that make your relationship the one you treasure most.

While these sessions are similar to my signature portrait sessions, end-of-life and senior pet sessions have extra time built in, and receive priority booking.

Dog loss quote from Winnie The Pooh