
Abby – Raleigh Rat Terrier

Abby – Raleigh Rat Terrier

The best way to describe Abby is just how her mom Nicole describes her.  "Abby is the sweetest old girl and, until recently, nobody believed she was 12 because of how spry she was. Now she has the 'I'm old and will do what I want' attitude and I love it."  That about...

Diary of a foster mom: The Lil’ details – Raleigh pet photography

What's not to love about Little Lily??  These are some of my favorite details about her.  1) her belly!                                                                        2)  The black spot on her tail 3) The little black speckles on her left ear and...

Diary of a Foster Mom: Foster failure or success?

I had every intention of fostering Lily the moment I set my eyes on her and found out she had no home of her own.  Brandon and I have been seriously talking about adopting another dog.  We even fell for a little lab/pit mix that looked a lot like Baxter, but was...

Farewell Mr. Bones – Raleigh pet photography

It is with a sad and heavy heart that I share this post with you.  Two weeks ago, my dear friend Lori found out her beagle of five years was diagnosed with lung and liver cancer.  He was having a coughing spell and she took him to the vet. They did a chest x-ray and...

Finding a puppy, becoming a foster mom – Raleigh Pet photographer

What would you do if you saw this?  If you're me, and happened to be working and see this adorable puppy out of the corner of your eye, you take the first chance to go say hello!  This little pup was following around two homeless people in downtown Raleigh yesterday...

The faces of Athan – Raleigh Pet Photographer

Oh Athan! What a cutie!  This little buddy is a Pit Bull/Dalmatian and possibly something else mix!  I could just kiss his furry face all day.  Athan is a little unsure of strangers, but it didn't take long for us to bond and for Athan to allow me to get close,...