His face is whiter. He walks with a limp. He thankfully can’t hear the doorbell these days but knows exactly when his kibble tumbles into the metal bowl in the kitchen. My boy is 13 years old. Thirteen! All but the first three months of his life, he has been by our...
Baxter’s Birthday – When your dog turns nine years old
My sweet little nugget of a dog is NINE! Where did the time go?!? We adopted Baxter in 2008 and he literally has changed my life. The short story: I started volunteering at an animal shelter soon after adopting Baxter. That led me to photographing the pets in order...
Baxter the Pomeranian – Raleigh, NC
He prances. He plays. He wears bow ties. This little nugget has got more style than I do! I enjoy photographing Baxter each fall and look forward to his new accessories! He keeps me giggling during our sessions and always jealous that my Baxter would never be so...
Baxter the Pomeranian – Fall 2015 pet session
Sweet Baxter! This is my third year photographing this cutie and his wonderful parents. Baxter is now a therapy dog which is not surprising! I don't think it's possible for him to be any better behaved or make people smile any more easily than he does! He always has...
Baxter celebrates his 6th birthday – dog birthday party
My sweet sweet boy and "first born" Baxter turned six June 1st, 2014! That's is estimated birthday! We celebrated today officially with his photo shoot and cake smash! Once again Gourmutt's Bakery in North Raleigh hit it out of the park matching his cake to his...
Big News! Why I’ll have only a few fall spots for photo sessions this year!
I first shared this information in my newsletter last week! So if you are not signed up yet to receive news first, you can sign up on the right side of the blog! I'm so excited to share with you the news that I'm pregnant! Baxter and Lily have been my children for...
Happy 5th Birthday Baxter! – Dog birthday party
How quickly they grow up! My Baxter turned FIVE years old this past weekend (his estimated birthday). I just can't believe I've had him in my life for five years. It's hard to remember the day before he came along. We did not go all out with the decorations like we...
Baxter’s thoughts on Pit Bull Awareness month
Phew...mom finally stopped editing photos for a second so I could blog! So I've been hearing a lot about something called "Pit bull awareness month." I finally figured it out I think! Some people call Lily a pit bull...but to me she looks just like any other dog so...
Happy Adoptiversary Baxter
I was all ready for this to autopost yesterday and then realized that I was OFF by ONE MONTH! Baxter's adopt-iversary is September 17th! Good gracious. Forgive me my sweet child...but really everyday is a celebration of the day you came into my world. Four years ago...
Finding a puppy, becoming a foster mom – Raleigh Pet photographer
What would you do if you saw this? If you're me, and happened to be working and see this adorable puppy out of the corner of your eye, you take the first chance to go say hello! This little pup was following around two homeless people in downtown Raleigh yesterday...