Project 52 – A day in the life of two dogs

Jan 30, 2014

This week’s theme was “a day in the life” of our dogs! I work overnights in my other job and get home around 10am. First up, time for the dogs to play! We usually do this in the empty bonus room during these cold days but the dogs loooove snow so this week playtime moved outside!

Next up medicine! Baxter is on Prozac and Lily takes two allergy pills and a seretonin supplement.

Then hopefully the dogs ran off enough energy to nap on the couch with me! Then, repeat “play” and “nap” for the dogs until bedtime!

Baxter is always by my side, but Lily prefers to look out to the backyard an wait for birds or lounge in “her” chair in the front room to wait for the kids to come out to okay or harass a delivery driver.
