We are thrilled with the safe arrival of our second baby girl Emerson Lane. The last few months of my pregnancy, I spent at least two days a week at the doctor’s office for extra monitoring as our little sweetie was measuring extra small inside my tummy. The goal was for her to make it to 37 weeks and we did. Thankfully all of her other vital signs looked great during our check-ups. March 3, 2017 we headed to the hospital to be induced. It was a fast and furious labor experience with Emerson deciding she was ready to meet the world as I was getting my epidural. Phew! But we all made it and she had no complications. She was just 4 pounds, 6 ounces…not even on the charts really for percentile (she was well below the first percentile for her weight).
Babies truly are miracles and we are so thankful to God for this precious gift. Emerson had her first photo shoot in the hospital when she was less than 24 hours old. It was just the two of us in the room on a bright Saturday morning. What a special time documenting all of her tiny features. She is now one month old and weighed 6 pounds at her four-week check up! Big sister Claire loves to help change diapers and comfort her baby sister when she fusses.
I am slowly resuming back to work and thank you all for your patience as we navigate the world now as a family of four (plus Baxter)!
Above: Emerson has my hair piece and pearls that I wore on my wedding day over top of her.
Above: I wrapped my wedding veil around Emerson for a special photo. Perhaps she will wear the veil when she gets married!