
Practicing an attitude of gratitude

Practicing an attitude of gratitude

Fall is officially here in North Carolina. The mosquitoes are still trying their best to hang around, but the leaves are changing color and there’s a pop-up pumpkin patch on every corner. As we water the mums and arrange those heirloom pumpkins (or “funny-looking”...

Mom talk: Three Words I Wish I Hadn’t Said

Mom talk: Three Words I Wish I Hadn’t Said

The words came out of my mouth. I heard them in my head before they came out and yet I still couldn’t believe they were rolling off my tongue. They pierced my ears and ripped open my heart as they came out almost in slow motion. The worst part is that those damaging...

5 Reasons to become of Member of your Local Museum, Zoo or Aquarium

We love to be out and about with the girls on the weekends. We enjoyed a membership at Marbles Museum when our first daughter was a toddler and I took her almost every Thursday afternoon. This year and last, we enjoyed being members of the Museum of Life and Science...

August Mini Sessions – Back to School

August Mini Sessions – Back to School

It's time for the kids to buy those school supplies and get ready for the school year! Make sure to capture this year's start with style and ease by securing your spot for a special Back-to-School mini session! Sessions are styled with a vintage wooden and iron school...

NEWS: Baby #3 Due in November

NEWS: Baby #3 Due in November

We are thrilled to announce that our family is expanding! We are even more excited that we will be adding a BOY to our house! A BOY! I can't say those words without doing a really silly happy dance that would completely embarrass my kids if they were a few years...

Teaching My Kids to be Socially Conscious

When it comes to raising kids, there’s no shortage of lessons to teach. From how to properly wipe after going potty, to how to ride a bike to multiplication and being kind. It’s a balance of teaching everyday life skills so they can simply function independently and...

A Love Letter For Your Child

A Love Letter For Your Child

Is Valentine's Day still a "thing?" I mean besides buying cards for your kids to send to school (major points for you parents who do your own DIY Valentines)? For me, Valentine's Day means SweeTarts hearts. Every year. I live for them. I stock up on them and shed a...

Stirrings in my Soul – My Identity

I had a client call last night. We had just wrapped up dinner as a family and started one of our usual dance parties. For those who need a visual, we had the Moana Soundtrack on, Claire (4yrs) was wearing a hand-me-down dance leotard and a bright blue tutu that I...