I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. I’ve wanted to switch to a new website design for more than a year now, but just couldn’t quite decide exactly what I wanted and what I needed. I’m glad I waited! I am ready to take my pet and family photography business to the next level!
First: I have added some spark to my logo! You’ll still easily recognize it, but I wanted to add a little flourish to it and make it easier to read as a watermark.
Second…dun dun dun dun! A new website. I searched and did free trials and searched again. I chose a new website that is all about the blog! I love to blog and have a place where you all can come regularly to check out what’s new with InBetween the Blinks and the latest photos! I am excited to start working on the new template and will unveil my pumped up logo with it in September! (hopefully September 1st!)
Third: I have two new lenses on my “to order” list! The Canon 24-70mm and the 85mm. I am just waiting for a special deal to come through so I can buy them both at the same time. The 24-70mm allows for great flexibility with my pet portraits and I can get super wide close up shots which is part of my signature style. The 85mm allows for some of THE most beautiful portrait shots of pets and people. I recently shot an outdoor wedding entirely with the 85mm. LOVE!
Fourth: It is my goal to start offering prints and print products to my customers. Some times I wonder if the magical photos we take are just shared on facebook or if they ever make it off the disc and on to the wall. I love when clients tell me they’ve already framed a number of photos and placed them around the house soon after receiving their discs! I will still be offering digital images and am working on how I’d like to package this all. But I hope to also have a website where you will have your own password protected gallery and can directly order your prints there and share your gallery with friends on facebook! That will probably come later this fall!
I hope you all will love the new website, logo and upgrades as much as I do! I’m doing this all while planning my high school reunion and close and move into my FIRST HOME! Oh and while raising a puppy! Sheesh! But the momentum is building and so is the excitement!