Is Valentine’s Day still a “thing?” I mean besides buying cards for your kids to send to school (major points for you parents who do your own DIY Valentines)? For me, Valentine’s Day means SweeTarts hearts. Every year. I live for them. I stock up on them and shed a tear when they finally run out in June.
But back to the point.
What do people do for Valentine’s Day in 2019? I’m married and have two kids and my husband and I have long thought that paying $5+ for a card somebody else writes could be much better spent on say…those SweeTarts. The commercials tell us we need roses, chocolates, jewelry, and fancy dinners. There’s nothing wrong with those things. We all have different love languages and enjoy spending our time in different ways.

But for you moms, this Valentine’s Day, I challenge you to write a love letter. Not for your spouse, but for your children. No matter how old they are. So many times, I’ve said I was going to write down what I was feeling on each birthday for my kids so they would have all of these letters to look back on. I’ve written a few in their baby books. But I want to make this a regular tradition.
For your soon-to-be-born baby, write a letter sharing all of your excitement, your worries, fears, and dreams.
For your young child, tell him or her how they make you laugh, how they challenge you and what you hope they remember most about these days spent together.
For those with grown children, remind them of the days when they were little and life seemed so much simpler. Remind them that you are still there for them.
For those who’ve lost children, write to them. Tell them you miss them and that your life is still better having loved and lost than never having them or knowing them.
Sometimes, we keep these words held inside. We are afraid to say how much we really love somebody because, well, it makes us vulnerable.
I tell my daughter Claire all the time that “mommy is never going to be perfect. I’m going to make a lot of mistakes, but everything I do, I do because I love you and I think it’s best for you.”
These are not words I have written down for her. But I will write them this year. They will be words that she can look back on when she’s 14 and in the midst of teenage angst. I need these words to be there for her should I not be able to be by her side. I need these words to be there for her if there comes a day when she’s too upset or afraid to call. I need these words to be right here to remind her that I am always here no matter what.
So this Valentine’s Day, grab a pen and some paper and just start writing. You may save these letters for when your children are older. You may put it in an envelope and mail it. Or you can hand deliver with a bouquet of roses. Just start writing. You and your children will be glad you did.